Most single parents already know about the things they need to do to feel better – to have less stress, more energy, more peace.
But they’re not doing it.
Not because they’re lazy. Not because they can’t. Not because they’re overloaded.
But because they’re putting their time and energy toward other solutions that are less effective, or at least less effective on their own.
The solutions that are communicated the loudest and the most convincingly are the ones with the most money behind them.
The ones with the most money behind them are the ones that can earn the biggest profits, not necessarily the most effective solutions.
So, with millions of experts saying different things and companies using manipulative techniques to deplete their wallets, single parents with no training have to decide for themselves which solutions have the best shot at giving them some relief.
At no fault of their own, they’re usually wrong.
The solutions that are best for most single parents seem too basic to have a big impact.
The thinking I hear is, “What I’m dealing with is much too severe/complicated for something like that to work.”
Basic interventions can be extremely powerful, but they can’t be patented and copyrighted.
So, people make them more complicated. They package them into complex protocols, complete with a snazzy diagram and acadmic sounding multi-step methods.
Those doing this usually have great intentions. Attracting investors with a profitable product is an extremely effective way to get the resources needed to make positive change.
But that doesn’t mean that solutions that are simpler and less profitable aren’t as effective.
My passion is figuring out the most efficient ways for single parents to feel GREAT and handle whatever life throws at them.
Sometimes it starts by communicating that,
of all the possibilities in the world, the simple tips their grandmother told them are in fact the best ones to put their limited time and energy into.